zakat al-fitr

Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory for every Muslim, male or female, young or old, sane or insane, who has fasted Ramadan or not. .

For example, if he was traveling and did not fast, then it is still obligatory for him.

Our jurists, may God have mercy on them, have stated that it is desirable to take it out of the fetus that has completed forty days in its mother’s womb, i.e. the soul was breathed into it, and it is not obligatory.

It is forbidden to refuse to pay it, because it is a way to rebel against the law of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, as we have just seen in the hadith of Ibn Omar (may God be pleased with him):

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace,...

It is known that neglecting the duty is forbidden, and that it is a sin and disobedience.


Whoever pays zakat al-fitr must have sustenance for the day and the night.

Zakat al-Fitr is defined by Islamic law as “charity that is due at the time of breaking the fast during Ramadan, when it has passed.” It must be given to the poor before people go out to the mosque.

Eid al-Fitr connection.

Nevertheless, it is permissible to pay it one or two days in advance to make that easier for the one who pays it and the one who takes it.

One saa' worth. The weight is 2,400 kg of good wheat or what has the same weight as lentils, and this varies according to the type of food.

Therefore, food must be served from most of the country's staple food, which today is dates, wheat and rice.

And if we are in a place where people eat corn or raisins, this is what we should serve

It is only given to the poor and needy, as mentioned in the hadith of Ibn Abbas

Who is obligated to pay zakat in the same house?

It must be paid by all concerned individually because each person is responsible for his zakat. After that, the guardian or the head of the family may take over

Zakat of family members

Is it permissible to give zakat al-fitr in cash instead of food?


It may be transferred to the far and near country for need or interest. Like if the far country had its people poorer

But if there are poor people in his country who receive it, then it is not permissible

It is not permissible to give zakat al-fitr except from foods that are considered food for people, and it is not permissible to give it from oil and sugar

The poor is the one who does not find his daily sustenance

It does not prevent those who have to pay zakat receive it.

Therefore, he can pay and receive zakat

It is permissible to give zakat al-fitr and zakat money to poor relatives.

Rather, it is better to give it to relatives instead of others, because paying it to relatives is a charity and a connection with the Most Merciful.

Therefore, this is allowed, but provided that it is not a way to protect his money

The saa and the tide are two units of measurement.

A saa' corresponds to 4 d.

The tide is estimated by a handful of the middle man, or by filling the palms of a moderate person if he stretches out his hands with them


It is up to you to calculate zakat al-fitr according to where you live:

 Caution: If you take out more than the obligatory zakat, the excess will go away

For volunteers, workers and expenses related to distribution and transportation...



Taken from the 3ilm char3i website:





Zakât al-mal, one of the five pillars of Islam (along with the shahada, prayer, hajj and fasting in the month of

Ramadan), is a tax on savings.

This is an inalienable right of the poor over the rich.

The Muslim is indebted for it and must obligatorily discharge it, since the amount of his

savings exceed a certain threshold called the “nissab”.

This nissab is indexed to the price of gold or silver.

Concretely, it corresponds to the monetary value of:

85 grams of gold


595 grams of silver






Today max         51.46€

Today minimum      50.83€

Today fluctuations   €-0.21 (-0.41%)


NISSAB CALCULATION of 12/29/21 WITH GOLD: 85 X 51.13= 4,346.05 euros




CALCUL DU NISSAB du 29/12/21 AVEC LARGENT : 595 X 0,65= 386,75 euros


From the moment we exceed 4,346.05 euros (gold price on 29/12/21) of savings we will have to

pay zakat al mal.


For example, I choose a date in the lunar calendar: I pay my zakât every 15th of the month

of Shawwal.



Thus, every year, on the 15th of the month of Shawwâl, I look at what I own as goods submitted

at the zakât, I estimate their value and I give 2.5% of this value.

Let's take an example :

I saved 2,000 euros over a lunar year.

The amount of zakât al-mal to be paid is therefore: 2,000 x 0.025 = 50 euros.

Even simpler: just divide the amount saved by 40.

I have to pay 50 euros on the 15th of the month of Shawwal and next year I will recalculate the

amount of my zakat because it depends on my savings for the year which varies from year to year.

All goods that serve as commerce and which are in addition to the savings of the individual.

Indeed a car and a house which are useful for the inhabitants of a house are not

concerned by the zakat but a car or a house or an animal which is intended for sale or rental and who has passed a lunar year then they will have to be taken into account in the calculation of zakat.

For houses for rent, the rent saved for one year will be taken for the calculation of the zakat.


Gold is affected by zakat even the one worn.

The diamond, the pearls and all that is an adornment apart from the gold and the silver are not affected by zakat provided they are not for trade.


No zakat for anything used by man for personal gain whether it is a car, camel, agricultural machine or anything other than gold and silver.

Is there Zakat to be paid on jewelry intended to be worn?

Yes, the Zakât must be paid for the gold of the woman, if it exceeds the Nisâb which is worth twenty Mithqâl, that is to say

85 grams of gold.

If the gold exceeds this Nisâb, it is obligatory to pay the Zakat, whether it is a jewel that she wears regularly or on certain occasions only.


However, if we assume that a woman has jewelry whose value exceeds the Nisab and that his daughters have jewelry whose value does not exceed the Nisab, so there is no Zakat to pay for the jewels of his daughters, because they are the property of the daughters and their value does not exceed the Nisâb.

In fact, jewelry (of the mother and) of the daughters (nor of the daughters among themselves) should not be grouped together, in order to pay Zakat, as each daughter's property is independent of that of the other daughters.

As for the question whether one should pay Zakat in gold or in cash, we think that there is no harm.

to pay it in specie, and it is not obligatory to pay it in gold, because it is in the interest of those who are entitled to receive silver rather than gold.

Yes, if it is easier for you, you can spread your Zakat payments over the whole year.

Calculate the amount of Zakat you have to pay for the year and divide it by twelve. Check

your calculation at the end of the year. If you underestimated the amount of Zakat you owe pay, be sure to pay the full amount before the start of the new year.

Sometimes we forget to pay Zakat or calculate it incorrectly or even do not know

this pillar of Islam. However, it is never too late to pay Zakat from previous years.

Zakat from previous years is calculated the same way as current Zakat, you will need to however, use the Nissab value of the missed years and not that of this year.

Where does my Zakat go?

Seven groups of people can receive Zakat: the poor, the needy, the indebted, the

defenders of the cause of Allah, recent converts to Islam, those who distribute Zakat, travelers and prisoners [The Noble Quran, 9:60].

When you give your Zakat to Dar Al Khair, you can be sure that it will be distributed as

it must. Zakat can be used to improve education, environment, health, safety

food, etc

Taken from the 3ilm char3i website:


Atonement for the oath

God Almighty has made it clear that penance for an oath is to feed or clothe ten poor people, or to free a slave. Relay is not required. God knows .

As for food, about half a saa’, that is, one and a half kilograms of most of the country’s staple food: dates, rice, wheat, spelt or barley...

Half a saa’, or a kilogram and a half for everyone, whether they are from the same house or from different homes.

1.5 kilograms of most of the country's food.

Whoever does not find one of these three or is unable to do one of them, he should move to fasting three days, and it is better to continue these three days.

From the site 3ilm char3i:


He who can must make up for his fast when he gets better, but those who could only endure it with great difficulty, there is a compensation: feeding a poor person per non-fasting day.

It is permissible to give compensation to any poor Muslim provided that he is not among the people for whom it is obligatory for the person to spend.

That is to say that compensation should not be given to his ascendants (parents, grandparents...), his descendants (children, grandchildren...) or to his wife.

The scholars all agree that it is not permissible to give compensation to the poor before the beginning of the month of Ramadan.

They also all agree that it is valid to give it for each day after the dawn of that day has passed.

The scholars have said that there is no precise quantity which is demanded but that the poor should be given what is usually sufficient for a meal. Either we cook him a dish or we give him raw.

The majority of scholars are of the opinion that it is not valid to give the sum of money which is equivalent to the price of the quantity of food.

On the other hand, if it is difficult to give food directly to the poor then it is possible to give money to another person and charge them with buying food which will then be given to the poor.


From this site:

Tiré de ce site :


Usurious interest from the bank is illegal.

It is permissible to spend them on charity for the benefit of public utility services, for anyone who can benefit from them and also for the benefit of the poor and needy.

Taken from the 3ilm char3i website :

Tiré du site 3ilm char3i :

Parrainage d’un orphelin

L’orphelin est celui dont le père est mort avant la puberté.

Allah  a ordonné la vertu envers les orphelins, de même que le prophète  y a incité dans plusieurs hadiths.

La vertu envers l’indigent est selon la situation :

  • S’il est dans le besoin de nourriture, la vertu sera de le nourrir ; 
  • Si le besoin est dans l’habillement, la vertu sera de le vêtir ; 

Tiré du site 3ilm char3i :

Sadaqa jariya (continuous almsgiving)

There are 7 things whose reward reaches the servant in his grave after his death:

-one who has taught a science,

- dug the bed of a river,

- dug a well,

- planted a palm tree,

-built a mosque,

- left a mushaf (Quran) as an inheritance

-or left a pious child who asks forgiveness for him after his death”.

The rule in continuous alms is: any pious work that continues for people after him.

More details on this site: